08-30-17 | Webinar
Learn how you can seize control of your IT spend with our managed hybrid cloud.
Optimize your workloads and seize control of IT costs with Otava’s managed hybrid cloud with SprawlGuard™ technology.
With a few clicks in our portal, you can view your public and private environments, easily manage your cloud costs and get expert support right when you need it.
First, our cloud architects will work with you to configure your systems, then monitor and manage them to make sure they’re running at the right time in the right place. You set a target budget, and we’ll alert you using SprawlGuard™ protection when you’re close to or have exceeded your monthly spend. Finally, we’ll present you with a clean, simple bill that’s easy to understand.
Seize control of your IT today. Get started at www.otavacom/solutions/cloud.