11-16-11 | Blog Post
No company is exempt from a disaster. Google has had outages in their Docs, Gmail, and other applications that have affected millions of users who use their services on an everyday basis.
In April 2011, Sony was attacked when hackers got access to over 77 million users’ personal information, including credit card numbers through its PSN Network.
Big or small, it’s inevitable that your company will experience some sort of disaster in its lifetime. However, having a plan in place can determine if you’ll be operational after the fact.
Here are some IT disaster recovery statistics:
There are many different kinds of disaster recovery options (Onsite/Offsite Backup, Cold/Warm/Hot Site DR, SAN-to-SAN Replication, DR Now!) that can accommodate organizational needs. Each one of these options have their pros and cons, but having any sort of option in place is better than no option at all.
Disasters can come in a multitude of ways. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes are just a few kinds of natural disasters that could strike your business at anytime without warning. Although utilizing Michigan Colocation is a viable option for its location and decreased risk of these kind of disasters, having a disaster recovery plan in place is still very essential.
When a disaster hits any company, time is of the essence and it’s critical to make sure that your company is sticking to the plan that you have in place. Those first few hours, minutes and seconds are essential to a company and you need to have professionals and procedures in place to prevent any sort of disaster from getting out of hand.
We live in a world where technology is significantly shaping the way we do business. With our heavy reliance on technology, companies need to have a IT Disaster Recovery plan in place to ensure that your company will be able to survive any sort of disaster and stay afloat.
For more information, check out one of our recent webinars with Steven Gold of SJG Consultants on How a Small Incident Turns Into a Major Disaster.